Securing all customer communication
Timeline: January 2022 - October 2022
I lead product strategy and UX research in collaboration with engineering and the customer experience leadership team. I paired with another product designer who created the UI designs.
The customer experience team needed a secure way to mass distribute NDA protected, incident related communication. Mass distributing incident communication is also a very manual, internal process that requires multiple handoffs among different teams.
An incident on our network got us on Jimmy Kimmel for breaking the internet. Behind the scenes, we had to distribute a shareable link with the same credentials across our entire customer base for customers to view the NDA protected Fastly Service Agreement (FSA) regarding whether or not the incident impacted them.
By sharing the same link and credentials to all of our paying customers, we made it easy for them to share the FSA outside of their organization. The customer experience team could no longer distribute NDA protected FSAs via a shareable link and had to find a more secure process.
In October 2022, Product design and engineering collaborated to design and ship an internal administrative tool for the customer experience team to send all communication securely. We removed the need to use a shareable link for NDA protected documents. On the customer-facing side, we shipped a secure message center beta for customers to view FSAs and other messages within their Fastly account, requiring them to authenticate before they can view protected messages.